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  • Liz Oldham

The annual Firewise brush pickup is just around the corner!

Mark your calendars for a May 6 pickup.

As background, Firewise is a national program administered by each state that encourages individuals to take steps to mitigate the risk to their homes from a forest fire. BRMCA is a member in good standing of Firewise so we are eligible for a grant from the Virginia Department of Forestry for projects that meet this goal. Our principal activity is an annual brush pickup funded by this grant.

The Department of Forestry has received additional funding for grants to programs like Firewise. Consequently BRMCA is able to offer this brush pickup to all residents along route 601 and roads immediately off of 601 this year. If you wish to participate, email Mick Newman at and he will send you a spreadsheet to be returned to Mick.

Brush gathered must be limited to an area not to exceed 100 feet from your home, extending to 300 feet on your downslope side. Please honor this requirement so that everyone can be served within the limits of the grant. Pile your brush neatly, large ends facing out, to make the contractor’s job easier. Brush needs to be placed where the contractor has easy access, preferably next to your road or driveway. A large truck towing a larger shredder must be able to turn around if your brush is on a driveway.

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